Captain Scumbeard and the Whorehouse Tri-lemma, an Ancient Levantine Sailor’s Tale
(Yes, this is an actual Pythagorean text, it was suppressed by Saddam Hussein)
In response to:
In Ancient Greece, Muff and Man Problems where when the Pirate Captain saw a Trojan Whore House and then said AYYYY HOW MANY BAWSACKS WE FINNA DRAIN
and the seamen had NO idea what the captain said because half his teeth were rotten away from drinking self-brew wine
so they crashed into the brothel with the boat because the boat is just a large horse cock that can float… and had to save all the whores from the whitewater rapids, so every sailor’s room had to also have at least one hooker in it (a Tzaddi as they say in Aramaic) in case the prostitutes fell overboard
so, given that every prostitute has a giant hairy cynthia, how many seamen will need to unclog the toilets every hour, if there are 12 shitters, 37 sisters, 91 seamen, and a grapey pirate captain?
and if there is an overflow, demonstrate using tri-modal logic, which side will capsize?